7 simple principles of good digestion

I have been exploring various systems and approaches for over ten years, I like to experiment (especially on myself!), But I increasingly believe in the uniqueness of each of us. My lifestyle changes from year to year. Oops! A new project appears. Oops! I am pregnant and a person grows inside me. Oops! I feed the new inhabitant of the planet with my milk. Oops! I recover from shock training. Oops! I slept very little and worked a lot. Oops! It's so hot outside! And now it is so cold that all the eyelashes are in the snow. I live in very changeable conditions, and my diet also changes with them. There are several principles that work for me regardless of the season, the amount of stress and my mood. They help me to maintain excellent digestion, a sense of cheerfulness, tone, good condition of the skin and hair. - one - I never eat large amounts of peanut butter, even if it's v...